Pass your FRCS and Board Exams using Ortho Revise's SBA question set featuring over 1000 high-yield SBA questions.
Questions cover all elective, trauma and basic sciences topics and feature high-yield SBAs covering the core syllabus.
The FRCS Orth or board exams are final, exit-level exams for trauma and orthopaedic surgery.
In the UK the format of the written papers is:
Paper 1: 120 Single Best Answer (SBA) Questions (2 hours 15 minutes)
Paper 2: 120 Single Best Answer (SBA) Questions (2 hours 15 minutes)
Each paper is carefully prepared and designed to assess the knowledge of candidates across the content of the Trauma and Orthopaedic curriculum using questions of higher-order thinking.
SBA questions contain 5 possible answers for the candidates to choose from. Please note that this is NOT a ‘Single Correct Answer’ but a ‘Single Best Answer’. This means that all 5 possible answers could be ‘correct’ but candidates are asked which is the ‘Best’ answer given the information presented in the stem.
There is no negative marking in this exam.